Methods as Practices, Practices as Methods



Log 1: Affordance-filled chat

A chatroom that only affords positive vibes ❤︎

For this exercise, I created a chatroom that only affords positive vibes.
When my partner and I used to do long-distance, a lot of extra friction and strain was added to the relationship, leading us to say things we don't mean. To prevent that, I made my phone auto-correct hurtful words to silly ones. By completely removing the possibiity of saying hurtful things made much healthier and productive conversations.
Inspired by this, I altered the code of the chatroom to create one that redacts hurtful words. I had done so simply by making the background color and the color of the font the same. On the flip side hand, the chat highlights positive words, like apologies and expressions of affection, by increasing the font size and giving them extra color.
Essentially, it does not afford swearing and, by extention, affords building positive and consrtuctive conversations after a conflict.
What I find perticularly interesting about my experince is that as my behaviour is now limited in certain ways within this space, it consequently alters the way I feel about a certain situation (less heated), and makes an impact on my relationship with another individual. It illustrates how the affordance of an environment, or the lack of in this case, can greatly shape not just our physical behaviours, but even our psychological and social selves.

Log 2: WaltherDance

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